

02/2020 Performance, General Consumer Association e. V., Braunschweig, (group exhibition) with poems by Ramy Al-Asheq

09-10/2019 "Tomorrow will be different", Petrikirche, Rostock, (GA)

08-09/2019 "Tomorrow will be different", Malzfabrik, Grevesmühlen, (GA)

09-10/2018 "ART is TODAY & WHAT is TOMORROW", Kulturhaus, Mestlin, (GA)

09/2018 "Are far away from home", St. Nikolai Church, Grevesmühlen, (GA)

06-07/2018 "A day in Jail", art building, Stuttgart, (GA)


08/2010 "Graffiti" at Youth Peer Education Network, Damascus, Syria, (GA)

04/2010 "Interactive Storytelling", Austrian Embassy, Damascus, Syria, (GA)

08-09/2010 regional sculpture exhibition, Damascus, Syria, (GA)

04-06 / 2010 „Small Sculptures“, Gallery Moustafa Ali, Damascus, Syria, (GA)

02-03/2009 international sculpture exhibition, Damascus, Syria, (GA)

01/2009 "Modern Art", Goethe Institute, Damascus, Syria, (GA with Ernst Hesse)

02/2008 "Modern Art", Goethe Institute, Damascus, Syria, (GA with Ernst Hesse)

01/2007 "Video Art", Euro-Mediterranean (?) Art Association, Damascus, Syria, (GA)

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